
Why the price rised again, Challenge?

Views: 569 May 15 2019


From these two months, all of factories has rised their price for african wax fabric. Many customers ask me, why you always rise the price, could u give me the price as before?

- Firstly, as we known, the cost of production depends on the material cost, if the cotton cost rised, the greige fabric rised, the wax fabric must be rised! 

- Secondly, a very huge chemical plant exploed last week, which cause the short of dyes! 

- Thirdly, the exchange rate of Dollar is not stable, it changes a lot everyday! 

According our speculation, the price maybe rised again in few days! So don't be wait when the price will be down, it wil be only up up up! The price you get present will be the best and cheapest price!